End of Semester Reflection

This year has been a very refreshing period of time. Outside of obvious controversies regarding this year’s education with quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel as if this year has truly been very educational regarding my writing processes. Before taking this class, a lot of my writing habits were very tacit, and not really apparent to my consciousness. A lot of my writing skills occurred unconsciously, and I always followed a certain process that would always seem to develop on its own, hence why I’ve grown particularly accustomed to “winging” my assignments. However, as of this semester, I feel as though I’ve become more aware of these passive habits I harbor, as well as taking some steps in order to improve them. In particular, I feel as though this year has truly assisted my development of arguments and refutations. As opposed to how my arguments formed before, now there is a clear stance and supporting of evidence to support them, as opposed to the hollow skeleton of statements that used to accompany my thesis. Therefore, this semester, albeit through an online course that may have truly lacked the in-person authentic experience, has been particularly beneficial to my writing skills.

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